Tarot study!

I initially tried to study Tarot during the pandemic, but I was a bit disorganized and chaotic in how I went about it. This time, I'm taking a more structured approach and documenting my progress on this blog. And I’m thinking about maybe making my own Tarot deck, I’m not sure but I want to explore that too. 

I've realized that I work better with a bit of structure, even if I break out of it as I go. So, I've developed something I’m calling the I.R.I.R. method for Tarot study, which stands for Intuition, Research, Interpretation, and Reading. Here's how it works:

  1. Intuition: Before researching, clear your mind and observe the card's imagery, colours, symbols, and energy. Take note of your initial impressions and feelings. Write down your stream-of-consciousness style without worrying about being "right."

  2. Research: Look up the card's name, Major/Minor Arcana status, traditional interpretations, astrological and elemental associations, numerological associations, and key symbols. Explore different resources for diverse perspectives.

  3. Interpretation: Consider the card's overall energy and vibe, and how it resonates with you personally. What is your personal interpretation based on your intuition and experiences? Note any messages or insights.

  4. Reading: Place the card at the top of your reading surface and give yourself a reading! Consider how it relates to other cards in the spread and influences the overall message.

So that's the plan starting next week I’ll start posting my progress! Wish me luck!

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